Recently, research on maintaining eye health has increased, and much has been discovered about nutritional support for healthy vision. Since the modern world puts enormous strain on the visual process, it makes sense to emphasize nutritional support that targets the eyes.
Among the best known nutritional ingredients for eye health are lutein, zeaxanthin, and bilberry. Lutein and zeaxanthin are important carotenoids that make up the eyes’ macular pigment. Having sufficient levels of these carotenoids is important because macular pigment protects photo receptors by absorbing harmful blue light, and supports visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, light sensitivity and glare recovery. Low macular pigment is a key risk factor for age related macular degeneration. The biologically active flavonoids in bilberry extract also support healthy vision.
Other nutrients in VisionEssence™ include vinpocetine, L-taurine, quercetin, vitamin C, and the anthocyanins found in specific fruits, along with the herbs schizandra, goji, and salvia. This blend is what makes VisionEssence™ one of the most comprehensive vision support systems you’ll find.